Would You Do It?

"I wasn't planning a suicide, but a wise man should always be prepared." | Joseph Lavy is Dr. Glas | Photo: Joe Patrick Kane

“I wasn’t planning a suicide, but a wise man should always be prepared.” | Joseph Lavy is Dr. Glas | Photo: Joe Patrick Kane

Is it ever justifiable to take the life of another human being? Under what circumstances?

The Glas Nocturne asks this and other challenging questions without leading us to any easy answers.

In preparation for their attendance at APL’s latest world-premiere, we asked our audience to share their thoughts about these questions. From now through the end of the run, we will share their responses with you.

Join the conversation at #WouldYouDoIt? on Facebook or Twitter — or follow Would You Do It? on Storify.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject, too!

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Announcing our 2014-15 Intern: Joe Patrick Kane

Joe Patrick Kane made things happen as an intern in Olympia (pictured with Former Senior Legislative Assistant Syd Locke at left and 11th District State Representative Steve Bergquist at right). We can't wait to see what he makes happen as an intern with Akropolis Performance Lab!

Joe Patrick Kane made things happen as an intern in Olympia (pictured with Former Senior Legislative Assistant Syd Locke, left, and 11th District State Representative Steve Bergquist, right). We can’t wait to see what he makes happen during his internship with Akropolis Performance Lab!

We are pleased to announce that Joe Patrick Kane is interning with Akropolis Performance Lab in 2014-15.

A graphic designer, illustrator, painter, musician, and road cyclist, Joe earned his BA in Environmental Studies from the University of Washington – Bothell and previously interned with the Washington State House of Representatives.

During his internship with APL, he will support graphic, marketing, and development efforts, as well as stage manage Pomegranate & Ash.

Learn more about Joe and check out his design portfolio.

Akropolis Interns gain experience in non-profit operations, as well as artistic projects, while supporting the work of the company. Internships are most commonly structured with a year-long trajectory, but project-based internships may be offered. We welcome inquiries about internship opportunities.